Genre/form term
Use for
Astrological readings
Astrology readings
Horoscope charts
Life readings (Horoscopes)
Astrology readings
Horoscope charts
Life readings (Horoscopes)
See also
Informational works
Found in
Work cat: Astro-databank, 2009: All about astrology. The horoscope (Astrologers use a kind of chart or diagram called a horoscope to find out the very special relationship between a person and the Sun, Moon and planets)
Pentaur, (active 1890-1930?). Astrology, [1930]: Series 1, Lesson 3, page 1 (The Horoscope Chart or Theme of a Nativity is a graphic circle showing the Zodiac divided into 12 equal segments, each of which is called a House)
Web. 3 (Horoscope; a diagram representing the twelve mundane houses and showing the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time used by astrologers to foretell the events of a person's life or to answer horary questions)
Astrology through history, 2018: page 154 (Horoscopes ... a representation of the orientation of the heavens around an individual at their birth; position of the heavens at the moment of birth ... is called a natal horoscope; birth of a person or country (mundane astrology); asking a question (horary astrology))
Pentaur, (active 1890-1930?). Astrology, [1930]: Series 1, Lesson 3, page 1 (The Horoscope Chart or Theme of a Nativity is a graphic circle showing the Zodiac divided into 12 equal segments, each of which is called a House)
Web. 3 (Horoscope; a diagram representing the twelve mundane houses and showing the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time used by astrologers to foretell the events of a person's life or to answer horary questions)
Astrology through history, 2018: page 154 (Horoscopes ... a representation of the orientation of the heavens around an individual at their birth; position of the heavens at the moment of birth ... is called a natal horoscope; birth of a person or country (mundane astrology); asking a question (horary astrology))
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