[R]euerendo patri ac domino suo Guilhelmo Dei gratia Senonensi Archiepiscopo, Petrus seruus Cristi prespiter Trecensis vitam bona[m] et exitum beatum causa suscepti laboris fuit instans peticio sociorum ...
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[R]euerendo patri ac domino suo Guilhelmo Dei gratia Senonensi Archiepiscopo, Petrus seruus Cristi prespiter Trecensis vitam bona[m] et exitum beatum causa suscepti laboris fuit instans peticio sociorum ...
Uniform title
Historia scholastica
[Strasbourg] : [Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser?)], [not after 6 Feb. 1473]
[508] p. (the last [4] p. blank) ; 41 cm (fol.)
Associated name
Title from incipit (leaf [a]1r).
Imprint from Goff, who gives publisher statement as: [Printer of Henricus Ariminensis].
Signatures; [a-h]¹⁰, [i]⁸, [k]⁶, [l-z]¹⁰, [A-C]¹⁰.
Capital spaces.
Printed in 2 columns.
Imprint from Goff, who gives publisher statement as: [Printer of Henricus Ariminensis].
Signatures; [a-h]¹⁰, [i]⁸, [k]⁶, [l-z]¹⁰, [A-C]¹⁰.
Capital spaces.
Printed in 2 columns.
Cited/described in
Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, P-460
BM 15th cent., I, p. 79 (IC.887)
Hain 5529*
BM 15th cent., I, p. 79 (IC.887)
Hain 5529*
Linked resources
Place of creation/publication
France -- Strasbourg.
Item Details
Call number
INC P416 copy 2
Folger-specific note
Folger copy lacks last 2 leaves (blank); 1st leaf mutilated from cutting of initial, affecting text. Initials, capital strokes, lines separating notes from text, some headlines, and titles of paragraphs provided in red paint throughout the book, with an occasional supplementary note in margins. Manuscript quiring in brown ink. Inscription at head of 1st page "Sum Religiosorum fr[atr]ũm in Rottẽbuech" in brown ink, and "Raytenbůch" in same red paint as rubrication at foot of same page (for the Augustinian Canons of Rottenbuch?); bookstamps of T.B. Reed and of the St. Bride Foundation, Passmore Edwards Library; early large shelfmark on paper label pasted on front cover, reading "B [in red] 2 [in brown]"; other inscription on front pastedown "Comestor 5812 K" (no. 5812 is repeated in upper left corner); no. "1580" handwritten in T.B. Reed's bookstamp; purchased in 1959. In a German quarter binding with 16th cent. blind tooled pigskin on original sheepskin boards, blind tooled with cross, saltire, and diamond; remains of 2 clasps catching on front cover; a vellum label on front cover with title "[H]istoria scolastica", and 2 superposed paper labels, the upper label with shelfmark "B2" superseding an earlier one also bearing inscription in red paint; title inscription on spine with another pencilled inscription "Biblica [...?]" partially illegible; evidence of a small rectangular label on spine, with 2 other superposed labels in vellum; evidence of center- and cornerpieces on both covers; manuscript fragments used as spine reinforcement. Purchased in 1959.