Editors' dedication signed: Iohn Heminge. Henry Condell. Colophon: Printed at the charges of W. Jaggard, Ed. Blount, I. Smithweeke, and W. Aspley, 1623. Stationers' register: Entered to Blount and I. Jaggard 8 November [1623] Signatures: [superscript pi]A⁶([superscript pi]A1+1, [superscript pi]A5+1.2), A-2B⁶, 2C², a-g⁶, [superscript chi]2g⁸, h-v⁶, x⁴, "gg3.4"(±"gg3"), [par.]-2[par.]⁶, 3[par.]1, 2a-2f⁶, 2g², "Gg⁶", 2h⁶, 2k-3b⁶. The title page ([superscript pi]A1+1) is letterpress except for a large portrait of Shakespeare, engraved by Martin Droeshout. "The life and death of King Iohn" begins new pagination on leaf a1r; "The tragedy of Coriolanus" begins new pagination on leaf 2a1r. Page 399 misnumbered '993'. For details see Hinman, Charleton. The printing and proof-reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare: Oxford, 1963. Imperfect: Folger copy 1 wants [superscript pi]A1 and 3b6; 3b6 supplied in facsim. Port. (on title page) in state 2. Leaves [superscript pi]A5+1, [superscript pi]A5+2, [superscript pi]A6, and 2t1 are supplied from another copy or copies; probably supplied are e3, e4, [superscript chi]2g4, [superscript chi]2g5, t3, t4, likely 16 other leaves, and perhaps 11 other leaves. 14 leaves are restored in manuscript facsim., and other imperfections affect text on 4 other leaves and slightly affect text on 11 other leaves. See curatorial file for additional information, including variations not recorded here.
Publications about material
The first folio of Shakespeare / Peter W.M. Blayney. Washington D.C. : Folger Library Publications, c1991. Blayney, P.W.M. The first folio of Shakespeare, p. 44-45 Lee, S. "The Shakespeare First Folio: Some Notes and a Discovery", Cornhill magazine, new ser., XXXIV (April 1899), 449-458
Washington, D.C., Folger Shakespeare Library, 2011. Fame, Fortune, and Theft.
Cited/described in
West, A.J. Shakespeare first folio, 59 Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) (STC), 22273 English short title catalogue (ESTC), S111228 Lee, S. Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies, 87
Imperfect: 14 leaves are restored in manuscript facsim., and other imperfections affect text on 4 other leaves and slightly affect text on 11 other leaves. Presentation inscription on title page: "Ex dono Willi Jaggard Typographi. Ao. 1623" in the hand of the recipient, Augustine Vincent, author of A discouerie of errours (London: William Jaggard, 1622). Other manuscript additions include monogram "CCS" [Coningsby Charles Sibthorp] (R4 verso and 2r4 verso) and "Cawdry" (a3 verso). A fragment of an earlier binding, which bears the blind-stamped heraldic badge of Augustine Vincent, is incorporated into the upper cover of the present binding. Bookplate: Coningsby C. Sibthorp.