Editors' dedication signed: Iohn Heminge. Henry Condell. Colophon: Printed at the charges of W. Jaggard, Ed. Blount, I. Smithweeke, and W. Aspley, 1623. Stationers' register: Entered to Blount and I. Jaggard 8 November [1623] Signatures: [superscript pi]A⁶([superscript pi]A1+1, [superscript pi]A5+1.2), A-2B⁶, 2C², a-g⁶, [superscript chi]2g⁸, h-v⁶, x⁴, "gg3.4"(±"gg3"), [par.]-2[par.]⁶, 3[par.]1, 2a-2f⁶, 2g², "Gg⁶", 2h⁶, 2k-3b⁶. The title page ([superscript pi]A1+1) is letterpress except for a large portrait of Shakespeare, engraved by Martin Droeshout. "The life and death of King Iohn" begins new pagination on leaf a1r; "The tragedy of Coriolanus" begins new pagination on leaf 2a1r. Page 399 misnumbered '993'.
Washington, D.C., Folger Shakespeare Library, November 2016 – January 2017. First Folio! Shakespeare’s American Tour. Opening: Measure for Measure.
Cited/described in
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) (STC), 22273 West, A.J. Shakespeare first folio, 113 English short title catalogue (ESTC), S111228
Folger copy 55 wants [superscript pi]A1 and [superscript pi]A1+1 (title leaf); supplied in facsim. Leaf [superscript pi]A5+1 is bound after [superscript pi]A3, and [superscript pi]A4 is misbound after [superscript pi]A5. Most leaves of the prelim. gathering [superscript pi]A are mutilated to some extent, affecting text on [superscript]A2 and [superscript pi]A4 and slightly affecting text on all of the other genuine leaves except [superscript pi]A5; the headpiece of [superscript pi]A5 is completely lost. Leaves D2-E6 (Merry Wives) are supplied from another copy. Most of these leaves have been remargined and restored, with some effect on text. Imperfections affect text also on 11 other leaves and slightly affect text on 9 other leaves. See curatorial file for additional information, including variations not recorded here. Manuscript additions include inscriptions "Edward Scarisbrick" (Y6 verso), "James Guy[?]" (Z1 recto), "Nicholas Hawlett" (i5 recto and v2 recto), James Cassall 1712" (i5 recto), and "[undecipherable] 1653" (2q1 verso). Bookplate of Henry Cooke. Not in Sidney Lee's Census of copies of the first folio, nor in his Notes & additions.