The author was a Venetian merchant and in this volume he describes in some detail with occasional illustrations: life on board ship, the places he visits, the topography, the customs of the people, their history, besides his own business, prices of merchandise, etc. The account of London includes a description of bear and horse baiting; that of Brescia a fiesta and its tournament.
Language Note
In Italian.
The attribution of the authorship to Magno suggests itself from several references, e.g. one on leaf 81. See F.L. Lane's article in A.H.R., April 1940. "Raccolta dal ... Francesco Attar nobile Ciprio" suggests Attar as another, or possibly a part, author (leaf 58v). Manuscript ends in the middle of a sentence. Possibly a fair copy. End papers made in Amalfi. Typescript translation into English available in curatorial file. This is a PRELIMINARY RECORD. It contains unverified data from catalog cards and may contain incorrect or incomplete information. Please email for assistance.
Publications about material
Voyage à Chypre, description de cette île et d'autres voyages jusquáu retour à Venise . . . / Alessandro Magno ; mémoire présenté en vue du diplôme de l'E.P.H.E. par Wilfred Naar, 1999 (D913 .M34 1999). Voyages : 1557-1565 / Alessandro Magno ; traduction et notes de Wilfred Naar ; préface de Alberto Tenenti. Fasano : Schena ; Paris : Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2002. Barron, Caroline, Christopher Coleman, and Claire Gobbi. "The London Journal of Alessandro Magno 1562." London journal 9 (2), 1983.
Abate Matteo Canonici collection (no. 137), sold to Walter Sneyd, 1835; Sneyd sale, London, Sotheby, 16 Dec. 1903, no. 682, to T. Ford.
Source of acquisition
Purchased by Henry Clay Folger from Thomas Thorp, November 1924.
Cited/described in
Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, 1317.1