List of gifts given and, on the verso, received by the Queen. Each list ordered by rank.
Signed by the Queen and countersigned by John "Asteley". Partial transcription of Z.d.16 by John Nichols in The progresses, and public processions, of Queen Elizabeth.
Publications about material
Transcription in The Elizabethan new year's gift exchanges, 1559-1603 / edited by Jane A. Lawson. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013, p. 328-346. "The pen's excellencie" : treasures from the manuscript collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library / compiled and edited by Heather Wolfe. Seattle : Distributed by University of Washington Press, 2002, p. 33.
Charles Lyttelton (1756)
Source of acquisition
Acquired from Maggs, August 17, 1928.
Exhibited: Society of Antiquaries on 16 December 1756, by Lyttelton. Exhibited: "The Pen's Excellencie" : Treasures from the Manuscript Collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library, curated by Heather Wolfe, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., February 6- June 8, 2002. Washington, D.C., Folger Shakespeare Library, 2003. Elizabeth I (catalog p. 83)
Cited/described in
Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, 1820.1