Source of the pound-of-flesh plot in the Merchant of Venice. Sent by Munro to Andrew Ross. With autograph letter of Andrew Ross to Eyles Irwin, from Fort St. George, January 12, 1786, and a copy of Munro's letter to Ross from Tanjore, January 9, 1786.
Publications about material
Printed by Malone in his Variorum Shakespeare, 1793, and again by Furness in the New Variorum, 1888.
Formerly owned by Halliwell-Phillipps (Cat. of immediate library, 1876, p. 35) and Edward Dowden (no. 596 in his sale).
Cited/described in
Halliwell-Phillipps, J.O. Catalogue of the Shakespeare-study books, p.35, no.6