The tell-troth's requitall, or, Truth's recompence : as it was preached the 12th day of November, 1626, at Eckington: wherein are contained these three propositions, (vindicating Paul from the aspersion of enmity, and laying it on the Galatians,) viz. 1 No grace of God in man can secure him from the enmity of the unregenerate. 2 Sometimes a ministers owne hearers are set in variance against him. 3 The publication of the truth is the cause of this variance. / By Samuel Kenrick student in divinity, and preacher of Gods word in the same place.
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The tell-troth's requitall, or, Truth's recompence : as it was preached the 12th day of November, 1626, at Eckington: wherein are contained these three propositions, (vindicating Paul from the aspersion of enmity, and laying it on the Galatians,) viz. 1 No grace of God in man can secure him from the enmity of the unregenerate. 2 Sometimes a ministers owne hearers are set in variance against him. 3 The publication of the truth is the cause of this variance. / By Samuel Kenrick student in divinity, and preacher of Gods word in the same place.
London : Printed by Miles Flesher for Robert Mylbourne, and are to be sold at the great south doore of Pauls, 1627.
[10], 27, [3] p. ; (4to)
Associated name
The last leaf is blank.
Signatures: A-E⁴.
Entered 10 March [1627]
Signatures: A-E⁴.
Entered 10 March [1627]
ESTC staff note
A3r has "Kenricke"
Signatures from DFo.
Signatures from DFo.
Cited/described in
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) (STC), 14933
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S123195
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S123195
Place of creation/publication
Great Britain -- England -- London.
Item Details
Call number
STC 14933
Folger-specific note
HH127/14. Gathering D consists of 2 sheets, each blank on one side, which were pasted together before the item was rebound at the Folger [i.e. sheets accidentally unperfected]. Previously bound with Eburne, R. The maintenance of the ministery, 1609 (shelfmark STC 7470 Copy 2) and 17 other works: for fuller information see record for Eburne item. Manuscript price and manuscript number '16' on t.p.; manuscript markings: underscoring. Provenance: inscription on t.p.: 'Jo: Causton' [John Causton]; Harmsworth copy