The first and second parts of Albions England. The former reuised and corrected, and the latter newly continued and added. Containing an historicall map of the same island: prosecuted from the liues, actes, and labors of Saturne, Iupiter, Hercules, and Aeneas: originalles of the Brutons, and Englishmen, and occasion of the Brutons their first ariuall in Albion. Prosecuting the same historie vnto the tribute to the Romaines, entrie of the Saxones, inuasion by the Danes, conquest by the Normaines, restaurarion [sic] of the royall English blood, discention and vnion of the two linages Lancaster and Yorke. With historicall intermixtures, inuention, and varietie: profitably, briefly, and pleasantly performed in verse and prose by William Warner.
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The first and second parts of Albions England. The former reuised and corrected, and the latter newly continued and added. Containing an historicall map of the same island: prosecuted from the liues, actes, and labors of Saturne, Iupiter, Hercules, and Aeneas: originalles of the Brutons, and Englishmen, and occasion of the Brutons their first ariuall in Albion. Prosecuting the same historie vnto the tribute to the Romaines, entrie of the Saxones, inuasion by the Danes, conquest by the Normaines, restaurarion [sic] of the royall English blood, discention and vnion of the two linages Lancaster and Yorke. With historicall intermixtures, inuention, and varietie: profitably, briefly, and pleasantly performed in verse and prose by William Warner.
Uniform title
Albions England. Book 1-6
Imprinted at London : By Thomas Orwin, for Thomas Cadman, dwelling at the great north-doore of Sainct Paules Church at the signe of the Bible, 1589.
[8], 100, [4], 101-167, [9] p., folded plate ; (4to)
Associated name
Mostly in verse.
Contains books 1-6.
The "plate" is a woodcut.
The first leaf is blank.
Part 2 has separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous.
"An addition, or remaine in prose, to the second booke of Albions England", X1r-Z2r.
Signatures: [par.] ⁴ A-M⁴ N-O² P-Z⁴ 2A².
Contains books 1-6.
The "plate" is a woodcut.
The first leaf is blank.
Part 2 has separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous.
"An addition, or remaine in prose, to the second booke of Albions England", X1r-Z2r.
Signatures: [par.] ⁴ A-M⁴ N-O² P-Z⁴ 2A².
ESTC staff note
Signatures from DFo.
Copy 1. Washington, D.C., Folger Shakespeare Library, 2008. History in the Making.
Cited/described in
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) (STC), 25080
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S119575
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S119575
Linked resources
Place of creation/publication
Great Britain -- England -- London.
Item Details
Call number
STC 25080 copy 1
Folger-specific note
HH214/6. Faded MS. price on t.p. Gilt-tooled red goatskin binding signed by Riviere. Provenance: bookplate of Huth library (motto "animus non res"); Huth sale, lot 7914; collated at Quaritch by E. Talbot, June 29, 1922; Harmsworth copy
Call number
STC 25080 copy 2
Folger-specific note
cs171. Imperfect: wanting sigs. [par.], X1-2A2, and the folded plate. Many leaves are damaged and repaired, affecting text, headlines and direction-lines. An abbreviated title ("Albions England: The Firste Parte.") is supplied in MS. on front fly-leaf. Two booksellers' catalogue entries for other copies of this title are affixed to the front endpapers. MS. markings