The tyde taryeth no man. : A moste pleasant and merry commody, right pythie and full of delight. Compiled by George Wapull. Fovvre persons may easily play it. ...
The tyde taryeth no man. : A moste pleasant and merry commody, right pythie and full of delight. Compiled by George Wapull. Fovvre persons may easily play it. ...
Imprinted at London : In Fleetestreate, beneath the Conduite, at the signe of Saynt Iohn Euaungelist, by Hugh Iackson, 1576.
[56] p. ; (4to)
Associated name
In verse.
Running title reads: A new commody called The tyde taryeth no man.
Signatures: A-G⁴.
Entered 22 October [1576]
Running title reads: A new commody called The tyde taryeth no man.
Signatures: A-G⁴.
Entered 22 October [1576]
ESTC staff note
rpm 08/02/96
Cited/described in
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) (STC), 25018
Greg, W.W. Bibliography of the English printed drama to the Restoration, I, 70
Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 525
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S111582
Greg, W.W. Bibliography of the English printed drama to the Restoration, I, 70
Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 525
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S111582
Place of creation/publication
Great Britain -- England -- London.
Item Details
Call number
STC 25018
Folger-specific note
cs1548. Red goatskin binding signed by Riviere and Son. Provenance: Mostyn family library copy (inscribed on front fry-leaf: "Mostyn 195"); bookplate of John L. Clawson