Wit in a constable. : A comedy written 1639. The author Henry Glapthorne. And now printed as it was lately acted at the Cock-pit in Drury lane, by their Majesties Servants, with good allowance.
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Wit in a constable. : A comedy written 1639. The author Henry Glapthorne. And now printed as it was lately acted at the Cock-pit in Drury lane, by their Majesties Servants, with good allowance.
London : Printed by Io. Okes, for F[rancis] C[onstable] and are to be sold at his shops in Kings-street at the signe of the Goat, and in Westminster Hall, 1640.
[68] p. ; (4to)
In verse.
Publisher's name from STC.
Signatures: A-H⁴ I².
The first leaf is blank.
Entered to F. Constable 27 April [1640]
Publisher's name from STC.
Signatures: A-H⁴ I².
The first leaf is blank.
Entered to F. Constable 27 April [1640]
Cited/described in
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) (STC), 11914
Greg, W.W. Bibliography of the English printed drama to the Restoration, II, 591
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S103219
Greg, W.W. Bibliography of the English printed drama to the Restoration, II, 591
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S103219
Place of creation/publication
Great Britain -- England -- London.
Item Details
Call number
STC 11914 copy 1
Folger-specific note
cs47. Wanting first blank copy stained. Provenance: bookplate of Thomas Jefferson McKee
Call number
STC 11914 copy 2
Folger-specific note
cs76. Wanting first blank; A4 trimmed and C4 torn, affecting text; copy stained. Provenance: clipping from bookseller's list pasted inside front cover