The example. : As it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants at the private house in Drury-Lane. Written by Iames Shirly.
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The example. : As it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants at the private house in Drury-Lane. Written by Iames Shirly.
London : Printed by Iohn Norton, for Andrew Crooke, and William Cooke, 1637.
[72] p. ; (4to)
Signatures: A-I⁴ (I4 signed "*2").
The title page is mostly in the same setting of type as STC 22443.
Stationers' register: Entered 18 October [1637]
The title page is mostly in the same setting of type as STC 22443.
Stationers' register: Entered 18 October [1637]
Cited/described in
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.) (STC), 22442
Greg, W.W. Bibliography of the English printed drama to the Restoration, II, 521
Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 926
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S102993
Greg, W.W. Bibliography of the English printed drama to the Restoration, II, 521
Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 926
English short title catalogue (ESTC), S102993
Place of creation/publication
Great Britain -- England -- London.
Item Details
Call number
STC 22442 copy 1
Folger-specific note
cs452. Half bound in sheep and marbled paper over boards. A few manuscript markings. Provenance: probably James Bindley copy
Call number
STC 22442 copy 2
Folger-specific note
cs10. Bound in polished citron calf, signed by Zaehnsdorf
Call number
STC 22442 copy 3
Folger-specific note
cs231. Disbound. In manuscript on t.p.: '(5)'
Call number
STC 22442 copy 4
Folger-specific note
cs176. Bound in large half goatskin and buckram. Lacking t.p.; running titles trimmed